Ecosystem approach to sardine fisheries management
Develop a Management Plan for purse seine fishing aligned with the guidelines of the Common Fisheries Policy and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, based on the principles of sustainability of fisheries resources, revitalization of the biodiversity of the pelagic habitat and optimized exploitation considering the economic profitability of the sector.
About the project

Given the conservation status of the Iberian sardine stock, considered to be in poor environmental condition in the last MSFD assessment, due to recruitments as low as historical minimums, the need to deepen scientific knowledge regarding the biology and ecology of this species was recognized and of the species that interact with it and are exploited jointly by purse seine fishing. In particular, to study the influence of environmental conditions and anthropogenic pressures (including fisheries) on the species and on the ecosystem in order to reduce uncertainty in abundance predictions and optimize the exploitation of these resources, while simultaneously minimizing the negative impact of pressures on the biodiversity of coastal habitats, particularly in the preferential nursery and spawning areas of pelagic fish. These last aspects are included in several European Directives, in addition to the CFP, of which Europe 2020 and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) stand out.

Specific objectives
- Identify the discriminating environmental variables for the biology, distribution, abundance and recruitment of coastal pelagic fish (sardines, horse mackerel, mackerel and anchovy) and develop models that allow the study and prediction of that influence;
- Determine sardine mortality, growth and reproduction rates in function with the variation of oceanographic variables, food availability, trophic interaction and the influence of parasites and pollutants, which will be used to parameterize the various models;
- Determine the distribution, identity and connectivity of populations from a multispecific and ecosystemic perspective and develop ecosystem models to assess the impact of interspecific relationsships and of fisheries on a joint dynamics of pelagic fish stocks;
- Characterize the social, economic and biological components of the purse seine fishery and the canning industry and assess the interaction and mutual influence between the various components;
- Assess stocks and determine biological reference points for the main species of the pelagic community of the Portuguese coast, focusing on those of greatest importance for purse seine fishery, such as chub mackerel and anchovy.
Project Actions

Habitat and life cycle
The variability of oceanographic conditions, such as temperature, salinity, currents and food availability, are considered the main factors that influence the dynamics of small pelagic populations, affecting larval survival and dispersal and also the reproductive potential of adults. A more in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms that govern these fluctuations is necessary in order to be able to contribute for an effective management of the populations of Iberian pelagic fish, in particular sardine.

A2. Physical environment and productivity
Identify the most important environmental variables for the dynamics of small pelagic fish and obtain time series of environmental data that allow modeling and predicting that influence.

A3. Natural mortality
Obtain mortality rates at different stages of development (from eggs to adults) of pelagic fish in function of the variation of oceanographic parameters, food availability, predation and contaminants.

A4. Growth and reproduction
Study the effect of the variation of environmental variables considered most relevant on the growth and reproduction of pelagic fish.
Population dynamics and fisheries
In order to develop a bio-economic and multi-specific plan for the management of the purse seine fishery, it is necessary to determine the distribution and assess the abundance of the various exploited species, identify synchronicities and alternations and assess their impact both in terms of employment and income value. It is also necessary to understand how the social and economic component affects the biological component and vice versa. Knowing the synchronicities and the factors that determine them will allow making predictions that will help fisheries and industry to adapt their exploitation patterns and maximize their income.

A5. Abundance, Distribution and Connectivity
Improve estimates of pelagic species from acoustic campaigns from an ecosystemic perspective. Determine the influence of environmental factors on the distribution, abundance and structure of the pelagic community. Study the connectivity of sardine populations and re-evaluate the identity of Atlantic population units.

A6. Fishing Activity and Production
Improve knowledge about the social, economic, technological and biological components of the purse seine fishery and the associated canning industry, and understand the interaction between the various components. Collaborate with the fisheries sector in validating data, implementing experiences on board commercial vessels, discussing the feasibility of technical measures.

A7. Population and Ecosystem Dynamics
Assess the stocks of the main pelagic species on the Portuguese coast, using approaches and models appropriate to the biology and quality of the data available for each species. For sardine, a species with good biological monitoring, advance in population modeling incorporating environmental effects and spatial dynamics of populations and fisheries.
A8. Management Models and Plans
Develop a Management Plan for the purse seine fishery aligned with the guidelines of the current PCP, based on the principles of sustainability of fishing resources, optimized exploitation considering the maximum sustainable catch, and economic profitability of the sector, with reduced impact concerning the ecosystem. Estimate Biological Reference Points (BRPs), fundamental guides to evaluate the performance of harvest control rules that may be selected following the interaction with the stakeholders. Develop a bio-economic model for the optimal exploitation of the resource that will allow the design of new harvest control rules considering simultaneously the economic profitability of the activity and the sustainability of the population.


Ana Moreno
Coordination A5

Susana Garrido
Coordination Habitat & Life Cycle

Alexandra Silva
Coordination Population Dynamics and Fisheries

Manuela Azevedo
Coordination Management Models and Plans

Cristina Nunes
Co-coordination A4

Laura Wise
Co-coordination A7

Hugo Mendes
Co-coordination A7

Ana Costa

Ana Machado

Andreia V. Silva
A4, A5

Clara Lopes

Diana Feijó
A6, A5

Dina Silva
A4, A5

Elisabete Henriques
A4, A5

Isabel Meneses
A4, A5

Joana Raimundo

João Pastor

Joaquim Parente

Maria Manuel Angélico
A2, A5

Miguel Caetano

Paula Ramos

Paulo B. Oliveira

Pedro Amorim

Pedro Pousão
A3, A4
Technical Support

Pedro Conceição

Emanuel Pombal

Ana Luisa Ferreira

Delfina Morais

Carmo Nunes Silva

Jorge Barra

Raquel Milhazes

Lurdes Dias

Georgina Correia

Ana Mendes

Marisa Ferreira

Sara Castanho

Mª João Ferreira

Inês Caseiro Dias

Marcelo Livramento
A3, A4

Pedro Fonseca

Sónia Antunes
A3, A5

Renato Rosa
A6, A8

Cristina Pita

Ana Marçalo

Gonçalo Araújo
A6, A8

João Vaz Pato
Scientific Articles
- 2022 – Izquierdo, F., Menezes, R., Wise, L., Teles-Machado, A. & Garrido, S. Bayesian spatio-temporal CPUE standardization: Case study of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the western coast of Portugal. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 29, 670– 680.
- 2022 – Lima AR, Baltazar-Soares M, Garrido S, Riveiro I, Carrera P, Piecho-Santos AM, Peck MA, Silva G. Forecasting shifts in habitat suitability across the distribution range of a temperate small pelagic fish under different scenarios of climate change. Science of The Total Environment 804,ISSN 0048-9697.
- 2022 – Szalaj D., A. Silva, P. Ré, H. Cabral. Predictions of sardine and the Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem dynamics under future fishing, forced-biomass and SST scenarios, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 178.
- 2022 – Fonseca P, Silva AD, Angélico MM, Garrido S. Seasonal and spatial variability of Atlanto-Iberian pelagic fish diet with estimates of intraguild predation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 687, 95-111.
- 2022 – Parente J, Feijó D, Silva AA. Frota costeira de cerco. Caracterização tecnológica e tipologias de embarcações. Relatórios Científicos e Técnicos do IPMA, nº 37, 26pp.
- 2022 – Lima ARA, Garrido S, Riveiro I, Rodrigues D, Angélico MM., Gonçalves P, Emanuel J., Peck MA., Silva G (2022) Seasonal approach to forecast the suitability of spawning habitats of a temperate small pelagic fish under a high-emission climate change scenario. Frontiers in Marine Science, vol 9.
- 2022 – Biguino B, E Olmedo, A Ferreira, N Zacarias, L Lamas, L Favareto, C Palma, C Borges, A Teles-Machado, J Dias, P Castellanos, A Brito. Evaluation of SMOS L4 Sea Surface Salinity Product in the Western Iberian Coast. Remote Sensing.
- 2022 – Simon A, S Plecha, A Russo, A Teles-Machado, MG Donat, PA Auger, RM Trigo. Hot and cold marine extreme events in the Mediterranean over the period 1982-2021. Frontiers in Marine Science.
- 2022 – Carmo-Costa T, R Bilbao, P Ortega, A Teles-Machado, E Dutra. Trends, variability and predictive skill of the ocean heat content in North Atlantic: An analysis with the EC-EARTH3 model. Climate Dynamics.
- 2022 – Dias IC, Marçalo A, Feijó D, Domingos I, Silva AA. Interactions between the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, and the Portuguese purse seine fishery over a period of 15 years (2003-2018). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1–14.
- 2022 – Domínguez-Petit R, Navarro MR, Cousido-Rocha M, Tornero J, Ramos F, Jurado-Ruzafa A, Nunes C, Hernández C, Silva AV, Landa J. Spatial variability of life-history parameters of the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias), an expanding species in the northeast Atlantic. Scientia Marina 86(4): e048.
- 2022 – Dias IC, Feijó D, Marçalo A, Guerreiro PM, Nogueira M, Bandarra C, Silva A. Experiência piloto para avaliar a sobrevivência da cavala (Scomber colias) pós-slipping na pesca docerco. Relatórios Científicos e Técnicos do IPMA (http// nº34. 49p
- 2021 – Carmo-Costa, T., Bilbao, R., Ortega, P., Teles-Machado, A., Dutra, E. Trends, variability and predictive skill of the ocean heat content in North Atlantic: An analysis with the EC-EARTH3 model. Climate Dynamics
- 2021 – Casaucao, A., González-Ortegón, E., Jiménez, M. P., Teles-Machado, A., Plecha, S., Peliz, A. J., Laiz, I. Assessment of the spawning habitat, spatial distribution, and Lagrangian dispersion of the European anchovy (Engraulis Encrasicolus) early stages in the Gulf of Cadiz during an apparent anomalous episode in 2016. Science of The Total Environment
- 2021 – Cabral, H., Drouineau, H., Teles-Machado, A., Pierre, M., Lepage, M., Lobry, J., Reis-Santos, P., Tanner, S. E. Contrasting impacts of climate change on connectivity and larval recruitment to estuarine nursery areas. Progress in Oceanography
- 2021 – Neves J, Silva A, Moreno A, Veríssimo A, Múrias Santos A & Garrido S – Population structure of the European sardine Sardina pilchardus from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters based on otolith shape analysis. Fisheries Research
- 2021 – Szalaj D, Silva A, Ré P, Cabral H – “Detecting Regime Shifts in the Portuguese Continental Shelf Ecosystem Within the Last Three Decades”. Front. Mar. Sci.
- 2021 – Szalaj D, Torres MA, Veiga-Malta T, Angélico MM, Sobrinho-Gonçalves L, Chaves C, Alcoforado B, Garrido S, Ré P, Cabral H, Silva A – “ Food-web dynamics in the Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem between 1986 and 2017: Unravelling drivers of sardine decline”. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.
- 2020 – Lopes C, Raimundo J, Caetano M & Garrido S – Microplastic ingestion and diet composition of planktivorous fish. Limnology and Oceanography Letters
- 2019 – García-Seoane, Marques, Silva & Angélico. 2019. Spatial and temporal variation in pelagic community of the western and southern Iberian Atlantic waters.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Academic Theses
- 2022 – Daniela Carriço “Mortalidade de ovos de sardinha e carapau por parasitismo, impacto na sobrevivência das fases iniciais de vida e implicações para a gestão destes recursos”, Tese de Mestrado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
- 2021 – Dorota Szalaj “An ecosystem approach to pelagic fisheries management in Portuguese continental waters”, PhD Thesis, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2020 – Pedro Fonseca “Ecologia trófica de pequenos peixes pelágicos na Península Ibérica: Competição e predação de ovos”. Master Thesis, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2020 – Inês Caseiro Dias “Interações entre cetáceos e a pesca de cerco em Portugal Continental: o que mudou com as alterações da comunidade de pequenos peixes pelágicos”. Master Thesis, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2022 – Amorim P., Carrera P., Feijó D., Mendes H., Silva A.V., Silva D., Moreno A. (2022). Relatório da Campanha “PELAGO – 2022” Série PNAB/DCF – PELAGO (Primavera) – Acústica de Pescas. Relatórios de Campanha, 36p.
- 2021 – Amorim P, Feijó D, Silva D, Silva AV, Moreno A. Relatório da Campanha “PELAGO – 2021” Série PNAB/DCF – PELAGO (Primavera) – Acústica e Pescas. Relatórios de Campanha, 38p.
- 2021 – Doray M, Boyra G, Amorim P, Carrera P, Duhamel E, Huret M, Mmarques V, Moreno A, Campanella V, O’Donnell C, Ramos F, Rodriguez-Climent S, Van Der Kooij J. Joint spring acoustic survey in: Doray, M., Boyra, G., and van der Kooij, J. (Eds.). ICES Survey Protocols – Manual for acoustic surveys coordinated under ICES Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Small Pelagic Fish (WGACEGG).
- 2020 – Amorim P., Angélico MM, Carrera P, Feijó D, Henriques E, Oliveira N, Pastor J, Silva D, Moreno A. Relatório da Campanha de Rastreio Acústico “PELAGO – 2020” Série PNAB/DCF – PELAGO (Primavera). Relatórios de Campanha, 48p.
- 2020 – Carrera P., Amorim P., Moreno A., Riveiro I. International survey for the assessment of the strength of the sardine and anchovy recruitment in Atlantic Iberian waters IBERAS0920. survey report. 51pp.
- 2019 – Amorim P, Moreno A, Angélico MM, Silva AV, Henriques E, Marques V. Relatório da Campanha de Rastreio Acústico “PELAGO – 2019” Série PNAB/DCF – PELAGO (primavera). Relatórios de Campanha, 34p.
- 2019 – Carrera P, Amorim P, Moreno A, Angélico MM, Conde PD. International survey for the assessment of the strength of the sardine and anchovy recruitment in Atlantic Iberian waters. IBERAS0919. survey report. 43p.
- 2018 – Moreno A, Marques V, Angélico MM, Nunes C, Amorim P, Silva AV, Feijó D. Relatório da Campanha de Rastreio Acústico “PELAGO – 2018” Série PNAB/DCF – PELAGO (primavera). Relatórios de Campanha, 36p.
News in media
- IPMA 30/09/2022: Campanha Iberas
- RTP PLAY 11/07/2022: Documentário: Sardinha Portuguesa – Uma Riqueza Natural
- IPMA 21/03/2022: Campanha Pelago22.
- Observador 31/12/2021: Projeto que avalia stock da sardinha vai ser prolongado
- IPMA 16/09/2021: Sobrevivência da sardinha após o slipping na pesca do cerco
- Pong-Pesca 16/09/2021: Sobrevivência da sardinha após o slipping na pesca do cerco
- Green Savers 29/04/2021: IPMA está a testar a sobrevivência da sardinha no Slipping
- Qualfood 30/04/2021: IPMA está a testar a sobrevivência da sardinha no Slipping
- IPMA 29/04/2021: Sobrevivência da sardinha após o slipping na pesca do cerco
- IPMA 02/03/2021: Campanha Pelago21
- RTP notícias 11/01/2021: Juvenis de sardinha em águas ibéricas com recorde dos últimos 15 anos
- IPMA 19/11/2020: Campanha de Investigação IBERAS0920
- Barlavento 29/07/2020: IPMA e CCMAR estudam rejeição da cavala na pesca do cerco
- DNoticias 26/03/2020: Campanha para avaliar ‘stock’ da sardinha e biqueirão termina hoje
- Expresso 26/03/2020: Campanha para avaliar ‘stock’ da sardinha e biqueirão termina esta quinta-feira
- Sul Informação 08/03/2020: Campanha do IPMA conta com apoio da pesca de cerco para avaliar stock da sardinha
- IPMA 06/12/2019: Estimação acústica de juvenis de sardinha na campanha de investigação IBERAS1119
- Expresso 15/06/2019: Portugal é louco por ela. Um ensaio sobre a sardinha
- Agricultura e Mar 05/02/2018: Estudo do IPMA Sardinha-2020, quer conhecer dinâmica da espécie
- Contacto 28/10/2017: Portugal vai propor a Espanha plano de ação conjunto para a sardinha
- DN 25/10/2017: IPMA tem projeto para determinar taxas de mortalidade crescimento e reprodução da sardinha

Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)
Av. Alfredo Magalhães Ramalho, 6 1495-165 Algés, Portugal
(+351) 213 027 000
Ana Moreno –
Susana Garrido –
Alexandra Silva –